F.E.A.T. Maturity Framework

Find out how purpose-driven your organization strategy is.
Assess where your department stands relative to other departments.. or to our benchmark database.
Work on weak areas or propel your strengths.
Set targets for improving performance & measuring ongoing progress.
F.E.A.T. Maturity Framework

This F.E.A.T. maturity framework was developed to highlight purpose-driven Strategy Maturity in your organization. It was designed to analyze and assess the gap between your organization’s CURRENT purpose-driven Strategy Maturity level and your DESIRED Strategy Maturity level. It hones in on the 4 dimensions of Maturity Level: Formulate, Enable, Account & Transform.​
Maturity Levels

Emerging: Purpose driven strategy is not fully formed in leadership. Separate from organization along with processes and business practices.
Managed: Established, repeatable, and utilized processes, but not deployed uniformly throughout the organization.
Integrated: All core driven activities understood organization wide, consistent engagement through processes and systems.
Optimized: Ongoing agile responsive refinement process and systems throughout the Strategy Execution cycle.
Maturity Dimensions

Formulate: Method to gather, synthesize & manage vital information for developing org. & dept. plans & actions.
Enable: Degree to which the organization shares, coordinates, and cascades strategic plans & actions.
Account: Degree to which metrics, process indicators, tactics & measures are used to drive to desired results.
Transform: How well the strategy, metrics and tactics are deployed, managed & refined: real-time.
Would you like more information on our F.E.A.T. Maturity purpose-driven strategy assessment?
The on-line survey & results will benchmark the maturity of your purpose-driven strategy capabilities, and highlight the risks of executing your strategy.
It will also identify the perceived “Ideal”, and isolate the specific areas where the greatest maturity has been achieved, as well as those issues where the largest maturity gaps occur.
Based on these results, you will be able to identify specific improvement opportunities and monitor progress in your organization’s purpose-driven strategy.​
Find out about the F.E.A.T. Maturity purpose-driven strategy assessment..!