Is your Strategy Execution:
Not getting the results you expect?
Excel or power point driven?
Disconnected from initiatiaves & projects?
Unidirectional or unresponsive?
ASM is the right solution!
Digital collaboration
Driving company, team and individual accountability
Customized suite for integrating objectives, projects,tactics, meetings, actions & metircs
Drive Coordinated Accountability & Decision Making
Enable your organization to integrate, align & manage strategies & tactics... real-time!
Organize, manage and link ALL organizationn programs, projects and metrics
Create and update all information & performance metrics, with a simple double click.
Manage resources, meetings, metrics, scorecards, documents, action logs and performance evaluations
Cascaded, linked & coordinated
To changing conditions and results
Customized scorecards, & dashboards allow for outcome driven decision makng

Ongoing adaptation/realignment to the changing landscape
Cross-dept. objectives, actions & metrics managed real time
Variances lead to ongoing plan & activity discussion/refinement

Strategies (goals/initiatives/tactics) and projects are linked & coordinated
Process to align org/dept. plans vertically & horizontally
Tactics/ projects aligned & cascaded from linked objectives

Data & outcome driven team buy-in & ownership
Progress to plan is regularly measured & reported
Metric variances lead to real-time discussion/refinement of dept. plans, budgets & actions